When you join our free Community at www.thepearlsnetwork.com, one of the
wonderful free gifts you will receive is 21 days of inspirational quotes by
women. They come to your email box every morning for 21 days. Not only do I get
such great feedback from people who are receiving these little gems, but I sign
up for them myself and start my day with them.
Today, I read the words of Marianne Williamson and thought I
should share with you.
She wrote
“Thoughts are Things” written over
78 years ago. In her quote, Marianne shares these words:
Everything we do
is infused with the energy with which we do it. If we’re frantic, life will be
frantic. If we’re peaceful, life will be peaceful. And so our goal in any
situation becomes inner peace.
Our internal state determines our experience
of our lives; our experiences do not determine our internal state.”
So if “thoughts are things,” and our “internal state
determines our experience,” how can we incorporate these principals into our
lives so we can truly have more inner peace and live a life we truly love?
Most of us have very busy lives. We are working, running
businesses, networking, caring for loved ones, doing chores, studying, and
trying to fit in self-care. With all this going on, how can we live these words
by creating more inner peace?
I believe the secret is to incorporate a mindfulness
practice into your daily life.
I’ve created a “daily prosperity practice” that I do first
thing in the morning and just before bed. It is my time, and it takes less than
10 minutes. Because it’s such a short time commitment, I also repeat it during
the day.
Here are
the 5 steps:
- Step 1 — Plug In: Select one of your favorite meditation music. Download
It to your fone. Fix your ear bud
and listen to the music more than once to enable you meditatae on the song.
- Step 2 — Breathe: Take several deep breaths to connect with your soul. I use the 4/7/8 breath. Simply breathe in through the nose on the count of 4, then hold for 7, and finally exhale through the nose on the count of 8. Do this 4-8 times.
- Step 3 — Address the Divine: Now is your time to express gratitude and raise your vibration. It’s also the time for you to ask for what you want in your life. You can ask for inner peace, better health, for more income. This is when you envision what it is you want to manifest in your life. It’s time to see it and feel it. Now end just like you began by expressing gratitude. This is all about raising your vibration. My spiritual coach said that when we are in a low vibration, we are tapped into everyone on the planet at that low vibration. And when you are in a high vibration, you are tapping into everyone on the planet vibrating at that high spiritual ream. I found her comment very visual. Who do you want to be tapping into?
- Step 4 — Write: Keep a journal and end your prosperity practice every day by writing down what is it that you want to bring into your life that day. Write down your dreams, your desires, and what you are grateful for.
- Step 5 — Repeat: At the end of the day, repeat this process and come back to your journal to record little miracles that happened in the cause of the day. What you noticed, what you learned and what you’re grateful for.
Come join our free community and receive your daily inspirational
quotes. www.thepearlsnetwork.com
and sign up.
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