Etiquette is a set of rules for polite and considered speech and behavior.
Some people do have a wonderful appreciation of politeness and a refined sense of etiquette and sadly, some people don't.
Question: Do you know anyone with a complete lack of etiquette and what effect does this person have on the others?
"There is a difference between etiquette and politeness.
  • Politeness is an attitude of mind, and as such, it may exist in anyone.
  • Etiquette is the outward expression of politeness reduced to a set of formal rules, which are current in a society.
It is interesting to note that a person may be polite, in the heart, yet may show in every movement an ignorance of the rules of etiquette, and offend against the laws of society.
Although you may see people commit gross breaches of etiquette; you will never hear them intentionally utter one word to wound another, and you will see that they habitually endeavors to make others more comfortable. 
Such a person will learn by his/her daily contact with others, that his/her ignorance of the rules of etiquette makes him/her , at times, slightly disagreeable company. But from his/her  good and unselfish inner motive, he will watch and learn quickly and almost by instinct will drop, one by one, the errors in his/her etiquette and become more cultured.
On the other hand, you may meet a man whose polish of manner is exquisite. He will perform the minutest point of the niceties of good manners, and obey the strictest rules of etiquette, yet underneath this mask of gallantry he carries a cold heart.
The cold hearted man carries a willingness to wound deeply the feelings of others, while acting all the time with elegance of manner; he is in feeling as cruel and barbarous as a dog.
Real politeness is the outward expression of the most generous impulse of the heart. It enforces benevolence and kindness and the enactment of the Golden Rule: 'Do unto others, as you would have others do unto you'.
Thus the first principle in politeness and good etiquette is to show respect for your neighbor.
If you are interested in polishing your yourself with with etiquette and politer manners, you can register for a A 3DAY POISE AND ETIQUETTE BOOT-CAMP for young women.
Contact or call 08061612141 for details.
