The disease of this age is the disease of distraction. We live in a world that is full of distractions.
Everywhere there are people and things trying to grab your attention: Facebook, twitter, text message, emails your employer, your employee, your spouse, your child and more.
Everyone seems to want your attention; which results in you having a mind that is in a continual state of flux. Your mind is being attracted from one thing to another; bouncing around, like a bee in a box. Never settling down long enough to really concentrate and focus on one task to make a great deal of difference.
To Bee or not to Bee?
Is it better to suffer the pain of bouncing around, like the bee flitting from one task to another, without full focus, or would you be better-off concentrating, focusing your powers onto one thing at a time, until that particular task is properly done?
For most situations, you need to focus your mind onto the job at hand, and to resist the temptation of a myriad of mind-sapping distractions.
Lead us not into temptation
Since mental focus is a specific state of mind, and as YOU are in charge of your own mind, then you can decide to focus your powers and to resist the urge to flit and flutter.
In order to avoid distraction, you need simply, to decide NOT to be distracted.
A Gift from the God
Developing the ability of 100% mental focus is like having a gift from the gods. It is said that the average man uses only 10% of his brain. (We don't know the figure for women, what do you think?...).

It is not that the average person's brain is 90% dead, it is simply that he is using 90% of his brain power on peripheral issues and trivia; like Twitter trivia, Facebook fancies, and email moanings. In addition, you need to contend with office banter, office gossip, sport and too much talk about TV.
With all this going on around us, most of the time, it is hard to keep your mind on the job.
Develop a Laser beam mind
Engineers use Lasers to cut through the hardest of metals. And light is light, immaterial and ephemeral stuff.
How can immaterial light burn through even the toughest materials?
It is because laser light is not normal light, it is light that is concentrated and focused onto a single point. It is not diffused and spread over a large area.
In the same way, you can use your mind to cut through the hardest difficulty by focusing and concentrating its power onto a single point and NOT allowing it to be dissipated and diffused across a range of rubbish.

Defeat the disease of distraction with time management priority planner. You can create one for yourself.
Why not reclaim any misused brain power and put it to more useful endeavours? How?
The best way to do this is to put your tasks into the proper priority using Priority planner. Draw you plan, print out the plan, and then use it as a guide to successful action.
Everyone needs a mental track to run on. Without a track to run on, you drift off track, and you are not doing the most important thing.
Only if you have a plan of action, can you stay on track. And the way to get a plan of action is to do it in writing. And the best way to have a written plan of action is to use our Priority Order Decision app. You can even save it to your desktop or phone to use every day. That way you will find it easier to recover from the disease of distraction.
