As we begin the year, most people feel the need or desire to create New Year’s Resolutions. The problem with most resolutions is that we start out excited with the best intentions only to lose momentum, and we become discouraged and quit. Instead of creating “resolutions,” I propose you consider creating “habits,” or what I like to call a “daily practice of little tiny steps,” to keep you on track for bringing those things you want into your life. In fact, I’ve created a Perfect Life Practice tool that I personally use and share with my friends and clients. To create these new habits, I suggest following a three-step process of Release, Receive and Repeat. To do this exercise, you will need a piece of paper and some time to center on  yourself. I recommend sitting quietly, closing your eyes, and taking some deep breaths until you feel relaxed and focused. I use ear buds and listen to some beautiful meditation music while I do this. 

Step 1: Release: Your goal is to release the things that are no longer serving you so you can make room for the things you want more of in your life. Take out a piece of paper and write out anything that you no longer want, things that are draining your energy and confidence and holding you back from living the life you want. When doing this during one of the women retreat I hosted, over half the women said they wanted to release self-doubt. This is a big one. Other examples could be lack of self-care, under-charging, over-giving, clutter, or extra weight. Go ahead and write down what you would like to release. When you finish, I suggest you fold your list and then burn it. Many women want to hold on to it and look at it later, but I want you to immediately destroy it in a little fire ceremony. I urge you not to go back and look at the list. By writing it down, you’ve already sent this message out to the Universe. This is a very powerful moment. So, before you move to Step 2, I want you to burn or tear up the list.

Step 2: Receive: I love this part. Take a new sheet of paper. Notice how you are feeling. You may feel a sense of openness and excitement after your releasing fire ceremony. You have just released a lot of baggage! Now it’s time to receive. What is it that you would like to receive in 2016? Is it more money, more love, more joy, simplicity, better health, or more fun? Take a moment to write out what you want more of in your life by writing “I AM RECEIVING” across the top of the page and then list all the things you want more of in your life.

Step 3: Repeat: What I mean by repeat is, “What are the habits that you repeat on a daily basis that will bring you into alignment with what you want to receive in 2016?”To make this easy, I have created a tool that I call my Daily Perfect Life Practice. This is like a form and it is meant to be filled out once a week in order to track your success. This list will be reminders of the habits you are trying to create.
Here are examples:
Take vitamins: Once a week, set vitamins out for the week in the little container so they are ready for yoy to take them.
 Drink 4liters of water daily – Fill a container and set it out where you can see it or refill a portable mug 8 times during the day.
Date with daughter, son, or partner – Make these a priority and book them in advance so you don’t forget.
Write article or book chapter – Schedule a specific time on your calendar for this to happen.
Instead of creating resolutions, create habits that are simpl that you can do every day. Track them daily and weekly for the next month and see what happens.If you are serious about creating a life you truly love in 2016, this three-step process is a great way to get clear about what you want. With simple daily practice, you can shift your energy and create the moment to keep you moving forward Please try it, and then let me know how it’s working for you!
