Most of us know about the gratitude advantage. Research shows that expressing thanks leads to lower stress, better relationships, improved health, and more. But there’s one place we’re unlikely to express gratitude—work.
That lack of gratitude is more common than you might think. In fact, a study by a scholar shows that work is the last place we experience any sort of gratitude.
This is a big problem. Practically speaking, most of us spend more waking time at the office than anywhere else. That means if we expect to use the gratitude advantage to our benefit, work is actually the best place to do it.
It may be an uphill climb, but these six tactics can help you power your success by expressing thanks:

Recognize the value. About half of HR managers say that workplace gratitude improves profitability. The truth is the number is probably a lot higher, and the reason is simple. “We don’t just work for money. We also work for respect, for a sense of accomplishment, for a feeling of purpose.” Gratitude engages more of what motivates us.

Commit to it. Most of us know we should express thanks, but research has it that only about one in ten of us actually does on any given day. In fact, about a third are afraid to do so. We need to step outside our comfort zones and commit to changing that statistic today.

Share the love. None of us can do it alone. Even solopreneurs need a team. When you experience success, look for ways to acknowledge the contributions of your fans, friends, colleagues, clients—anyone who played a role. It doesn’t make less of your success; it makes more of how you scored.

Highlight specifics. The more detailed you can, the better. When you are specific about the benefits of a person, action, or thing, it increases your own appreciation—and it tells a person that you are paying attention, rather than just going through the motions.

Use implementation intentions. Thinking through probable scenarios and formulating your response ahead of time helps turn intention into reality. These are called implementation intentions, and they are shown to increase the likelihood we’ll follow through on what we intend. 

Lead from where you are. Experts (and employees) recognize that it’s best when leaders go first. But leadership is not position; it’s influence. That means you can start wherever you are in your organization and have in an impact in your own life and your company.
People will go so far in the performance of their duties when appreciated, and they will under perform when they feel underappreciated.
Gratitude is the most effective currency for keeping people engaged and performing at their best. That’s true for you and the people you lead.
Question: How often do you feel or express gratitude at work?
