Low vitamin D levels are associated with a slew of health
risks. Plus, if you're diagnosed with a serious condition such as breast or
prostate cancer, your chances of survival may be lower than someone who has
normal levels.
No one's exactly sure why low levels of D are tied with
poorer health outcomes. However, experts suggest that the Institute of
Medicine's current recommended daily intake—600 IU for men and women—is simply
too low. "Optimal blood levels of vitamin D to reduce your risk of disease
is 28 to 42 ng/mL.
Many people need about 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day to
achieve that level. It is advised that
you get vitamin D levels checked by your doctor in order to determine how much
D you need to raise your levels within the optimal range.
Here's the lowdown on how a vitamin D deficiency can
seriously compromise your well-being and take years off your life:
1. You're more likely to be depressed.
People with low levels of vitamin D in their blood were more
than twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression than those with higher
levels, according to a study in the Journal of Psychiatry that included more
than 31,000 participants. The hippocampus and other areas of the brain involved
in regulating your mood contain vitamin D receptors, so low levels may affect
the ability of these regions to function normally, researchers suggest.
2. You're less likely to survive cancer.
Cancer patients who have higher levels of vitamin D when
they're diagnosed tend to live longer and remain in remission longer than
patients who are deficient, according to a study published in the Journal of
Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Researchers found that every 10-point
increase in vitamin D levels was associated with a 4% increase in survival
among people with cancer. The strongest link between vitamin D and survival
rates were found in patients with lymphoma, colorectal cancer, and breast
cancer. In fact, breast cancer patients with healthy vitamin D levels are twice
as likely to survive the disease as patients with lower levels, reports the
journal Anticancer Research.
3. You're more likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer.
The risk of aggressive prostate cancer was 4 to 5 times
greater in men with low vitamin D levels, according to a study in the journal
Clinical Cancer Research. The reason isn't yet understood, though researchers
say that screening for vitamin D deficiency and treating it may become an
essential part of cancer care.
4. You have an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's
Adults who were moderately deficient in vitamin D had a 53%
increased risk of developing dementia, and those who were severely deficient
had a 125% increased risk of the disease compared to individuals with healthy
levels, reports a study in the journal Neurology. A deficiency in the nutrient
was also associated with up to a 122% increased risk of Alzheimer's disease.
More research is needed to better understand the connection, but researchers
suggest that you face a double whammy as you age: Not only are you more at risk
of developing cognitive problems, your skin becomes less efficient at
converting sunlight into vitamin D, putting you at an increased risk of
5. You may be more likely to have psoriatic arthritis.
About 30% of patients who have psoriasis also have a
condition called psoriatic arthritis, in which the immune system attacks the
joints causing pain and inflammation. And a recent study found that up to 62%
of people with psoriatic arthritis have insufficient levels of vitamin D,
reports the journal Arthritis Care & Research. Previous research shows that
low levels of D may make inflammatory conditions such as psoriatic arthritis
worse, possibly by increasing white blood cell levels.
6. You may be at risk for more severe heart disease.
People with vitamin D deficiency had a 32% increased risk of
coronary artery disease compared to those with normal levels. They were also
20% more likely to have a severe form of the disease, affecting multiple
vessels, according to research presented at last year's American College of
Cardiology's Annual Scientific Session. Vitamin D may improve immune function
and control inflammation throughout the body, which can help reduce the risk of
heart trouble, researchers say
7. You could get pneumonia.
The risk of developing pneumonia is more than 2.5 times
greater in people with the lowest vitamin D levels in their blood. Previous research suggests that vitamin D
deficiency weakens the immune system, which increases your risk of contracting
illnesses such as respiratory infections.
8. You're more at risk of being developing schizophrenia.
People with vitamin D deficiency were more than twice as
likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia compared to people who had sufficient
blood levels of the vitamin, reports the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology
& Metabolism. More research is needed to understand the role vitamin D
plays in psychiatric health.
9. It may speed up multiple sclerosis.
Previous research has found that low vitamin D levels are
associated with an increased risk of neuromuscular disorders such as multiple
sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and others. Now, a new study suggests that if
you have multiple sclerosis, low levels of D could speed the severity and
progression of the disease. Researchers found that early-stage multiple
sclerosis patients with adequate levels of vitamin D had a 57% lower rate of
new brain lesions and a 57% lower relapse rate than those with lower vitamin D
levels. Identifying and treating vitamin D deficiency should become part of the
care newly diagnosed patients receive and may actually boost the effectiveness
of certain therapies such as interferon beta-1b, the researchers say.
10. You're more likely to die prematurely.
People with low blood levels of vitamin D are more likely to
pass away sooner than those with normal levels. People with vitamin D levels
less than 30 ng/mL had the highest risk of premature death due to all causes
than those with levels greater than 30 ng/mL. More isn't always better:
Researchers found no additional benefit for people with levels above 50 ng/mL.
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