Change Management

Everyone wants things to improve. But most people don't like it when things change. So, we have a problem.
Since all improvement implies a change, we both want, and DON'T want, things to change.
Change is inevitable
Nothing stays the same forever. You can be sure that you will have to manage change.
There are two important questions relating to the change:
Are you the one deciding the direction of change, or is change being imposed upon you from outside?
Is the change going to be to your advantage, or to your disadvantage?
Let us look at each:

1. Are you the one deciding the direction of change, or is change being imposed upon you from outside?
It is most important that you embrace the concept of change, so that you can be the one who decides the direction of the change.
If you evade the responsibility of making the necessary changes then you will not evade change, you will only transfer the decision over the direction of the change to someone else.
In other words, if you don't decide to change, on your own initiative, and in your own way, then you will have to accept the change that is forced upon you, at a later date, by somebody else.
It is much better for you, if YOU are the person who makes the pre-emptive decision to change the way you do things. In that way you remain in control of your destiny.
If you default on this decision, then nothing seems to happen for about a year, and then the conditions around you will change and you will be forced to adapt to an unpleasant circumstance.
So for example: If you don't update your products and services to remain at the sharp end of the market, then you will find that your customers will go elsewhere and your financial position will change.
Or if you don't change your diet and exercise plan, then as you get older, you will tend to gain weight and the reflection in the mirror will not seem as appealing as it used to.
You get the idea?
The choice is: Change now, on your own terms, or have change imposed upon you, later, NOT on your own terms.

2. Is the change going to be to your advantage or to your disadvantage?
The second point is derived from the first point.
If you are the one who decides to make the change, then you will select a change that will be an improvement on the current design. For example:
You may upgrade your computer software.
You may upgrade your exercise program
You may upgrade your wardrobe.
You may upgrade your car.
Whatever change you make it will cost you time, money and inconvenience.
And you will have to go through the effort of learning to cope with your new software, your new running program, your new shoes, your new gearbox.
But at least you are the one choosing it, and at least they are all to your own advantage.

If you don't make the self-imposed changes, then next year, when the imposed changes show themselves, you will have to suffer the pain of dealing with changes that are not to your advantage.
