No discount on your worth

6 Tips For Raising Your Own Self Worth

We come into this world with nothing, and over the years our attitudes, habits and self-esteem are built based on our environment and upbringing. Once we become cognitive adults, however, we can make our own moves to increase our value, or self worth.
Here’s some help in setting up your own value menu that tells the world just how much you are worth!

1.The Self-Esteem Sandwich. This is important. You may be the most gifted writer on the planet, but if you don’t have the right attitude about yourself, you will probably sell yourself short and maybe not even be able to write for a living. Be strong about yourself. Be confident. While you shouldn’t oversell your gifts or talents, you mustn’t be meek about them.

2.Best Friend Fries. This is about self-love. It’s about how your treat yourself. Don’t expect others to treat you well if you don’t do that for yourself. In other words, you have to be your own best friend. Treat yourself with the same patience, compassion and generosity you would your very best friend. Again, it’s about value, and when you value yourself, others will, too.

3.The Examiner . This is your life. These are your dreams and goals. It’s up to you to perform self-examination to find out if you are on the right path to success and happiness. Ask yourself the tough questions. What am I trying to accomplish? Am I doing it to please to please anyone or because this is what I want? You are the only one that can set the right goals for you. Be valuable to yourself, not just to others. A person that seems to know what they want is also seen in a higher light.

4.Trust yourself. Trust your inner voice. Listen to your own feelings and brain. Don’t always let others make decisions for you. Again, it’s about how you are perceived. If you seem meek and incapable of making your own decisions, others will sense that and there are plenty of people that will take advantage of you.

5.Positive Sweet Potato Pie. Let yourself know that you matter. A lot of people use affirmative prayers or sayings. It’s important to remind yourself that you are unique, there’s no one else like you and that you are very lovable, a wonderful person and of great value. And then you must act on it… be responsible. Take on tasks and projects that prove you are who you say you are and who you want to be.

6.Budget . Whether you make a lot or a make a little, by budgeting you will feel in control. Just because you make more doesn’t mean you should spend more. While budgeting can provide more control and thus more confidence, it can also provide a cushion to fall back on, which will ease the pressure that can come with financial woes.

Establishing your self worth has to start with you. When you value yourself, others will value you, too.
