Inspired Today

Have you noticed that even the wicked seem to like what is good? The corrupt seem to prefer developed countries? So ask yourself what can happen if you create a developed family that works? It simply means ‘cheating spouses’ who seem to have found a tabernacle outside would find their way home because that is usually what happens when your home country suddenly becomes transformed and most desirable. So I challenge everyone who is having marital issues at the moment to quit talking about the erring spouse and focus on creating the most developed family starting with a developed you.
The moment your focus shifts from your vision to a setback the setback becomes the new goal vision and stagnancy and regression become inevitable. So keep your focus on building the most developed family.
At creation everything was formless and void but the first order code God deployed was to shine the light to see the true state of things so why don’t you shine the light on yourself this today and check if you are still in order in every area of your life.
- Is your mental wellness still in order and how much of investment have you put in your mental development?
- Is your appearance still in order or you are now a shadow of yourself?
- Is your spiritual life still in order or you are spiritually underdeveloped. I realized that the true measure of the effectiveness of the people religious want to become like is in their contribution to national development and not mere religious activities and that includes icons like David, Moses, Daniel, Nehemiah, Abraham etc so how can you be spiritually effective when you simply want to measure your effectiveness by gymnastics that doesn’t lead to community development?

It is another day to shine the light & see the true state of things
