The biznesmind:

There is a certain story about labourers carrying bricks from  moulding point to a construction site. An visitor approaches and enquires one of them“What are you doing?”The worker responds“I am carrying these bricks from here to there”The visitor asked the man again“What are you doing?”The worker shouts back angrily“Can’t you see, I am carrying bricks from here to there! Don’t you have eyes?”The visitor left the worker alone and asked several other workers and to his surprise all of them answered in the same angry and stressed tone.The visitor was upset.After much time, he finally reached one person who looked happy and asked him“What are you doing?”The person replied“We are carrying bricks to build the corner walls.We are building a beautiful church”The visitor wad satiesfied and happy. He smiled and left.

The story is a good example for visions and their power.The workers, who shouted with anger, appeared stressful because they did not know as to why they are carrying such a load of bricks;  positive action but without goal or knowing the result.
But the worker who was happy knew the objective of moving those bricks from one point to the other.
If an entrepreneur doesn’t have a clear vision,then he will be moving in different directions wasting alot time, effort, energy & money. The end result isFrustration.
What is a vision? Vision is a clear picture of the future you want to be in. The picture should bedetailed and precise.Have you observed, if you just imagine a car withsome emotion, you will start seeing similar cars around  you,on TV, newspapers and roads? etc. This is exactly thepower of vision.

Once you have clear vision, lifewill start working towards your advantage.

What is stopping you today
Is it that, you are not exactly sure whatyou want?→ Are you afraid that your vision will notcome true?→ Are you afraid that your vision may not beliked by other people?What is your real issue?If you don’t have vision, you will be out of business very soon and it is like a ship moving in unknown direction.
............"write the vision, make it plain that it may run.
