How true love behaves

1 John 3:11-24
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

A certain Tv personality  once asked a little girl if she knew what true love was. She thought for a moment and then said, “Love is when your mummy reads you a bedtime story. True love is when she doesn’t skip any pages.”
It’s easy to pledge love in the heat of passion or during the quiet intimacy of any relationship. But true love has to deal with short fuses, tired bodies, overextended commitments and inconvenient interruptions every day. And yet it keeps on giving.
The Apostle John wrote about the true Spirit of God, who helps us know that Jesus actually came in the flesh. The “true love” of God put Jesus into our world, not just to float around like a ghostly figure with meaningless understanding and rituals, but to struggle with the world’s problems and difficulties as a person of flesh and blood. Such true love helped those who were cold and hungry and in need of shelter.
True love digs in and gets dirty.So it is in marriage.
The apostle urged the church to believe in a God who physically came into our world to be with us in our struggles.
Furthermore, he calls us to imitate God’s love by investing our energy in the day-to-day messiness of the real lives of others. We need to see others—especially our spouses—with our Father’s eyes, touch them with our Savior’s hands and be inspired by the Spirit’s passion as we act out true love.

Reflections:What is the romantic temperature of our relationship? Hot, Lukewarm, Frosty or cold?
How does each of us feel about that and Why?•
How do we express our love for one another in words and actions.?
What do we need to keep in mind in those times when we don’t feel like loving?
How can actions move our relationship forward when words become meaningless?
