Happier and More Fulfilling Marriage ...
Commonly, men and women hold a distinction in their minds between themselves and their marriage. Their personal self is one thing and their marriage is another.
Perhaps this makes sense at certain levels, but when a marriage has fallen short of what it’s meant to be, this notion is problematic. It’s problematic because there’s often an unconscious concept that it’s the “marriage” that needs help rather than one’s self.In other words, the marriage becomes a third-party entity that needs help – but a third-party entity can seem hopelessly hard to help because it involves “other” people.The solution is to rid yourself of the mostly-unconscious notion that your marriage is an unknown third-party entity without a face and realize that your marriage is you and another person – and that means a FULL 50% of your marriage is completely and totally in your control.And, when you personally INSIST that your 50% share of the marriage is going to be right and good, it’s highly probable that you’ll influence the remaining 50% of the marriage to be right and good too.So, keeping in mind that it’s useful and helpful to try to “fix” one’s “self” rather than a “marriage”, here are three tips YOU can use to make your 1/2 right and good:
1. Become HappierYourself.it’s not another person who can make you happy. Only you can make yourself happy. If you’re looking to your spouse to “make you happy” you’re sure to be disappointed. And, the more you look to them to make you happy, the unhappier you’ll become. And that makes it even more impossible for you to be happy.But, when you make yourself happier, oddly enough, that’s when you can be happier in your marriage TOGETHER.That means taking personal responsibility for doing things that make you happy.
Appreciate your marriage and enjoy it.
Go ahead, scan right past all of the CANT’S and go right on to the CAN’S! Let go of what you can’t do.Let go of what you don’t have.Let go of what’s unavailable or out of reach for now.Let go of what someone else should or should not have done. Stay Within the realm of your own personal stenght and the resources available to you, what can you do right now that will cause you to feel happier? What is it? Let your mind feed you the answer, right now, and then go do it. Your marriage will be the happier for it.
Remember to Have Fun.All it takes to have fun is a bit of imagination.
The Only Thing that Doesn’t Change is Change Itself. It’s useful to remember that the way things are right now is not how they will always be. Things WILL change.And eventually, they change for the better.Experience has shown that no matter how unpleasant things may seem right now, sooner or later things turn around for the good.Knowing then that better times are coming, what can you do right at this time to help prepare for – or even to receive – these better times?What can you do at this time to PRE-ENJOY these better times?What satisfaction can you garner from merely ANTICIPATING the coming better times?
In Conclusion; If you’ll free yourself to doing certain things, you can make yourself feel better by choosing to do things that make you feel happier.If you’ll let loose your lighter side and activate your imagination, you can make the mundane exciting and the unpleasant bearable – all while creating fond memories that you’ll look back on for the rest of your life.If you’ll join yourself to the idea that good sooner or later prevails and that everything eventually turns to the good, and while you share your marriage with your spouse you begin to notice all that is good and right at this time, the path of life becomes so much more enjoyable.By personally choosing to act on these tips right away, you begin to do your part to create a happier, more fulfilling marriage.
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