Qualities Of A Good Manager

What qualities do I need to be a manager?
If you are a new manager, you may be wondering what additional qualities, skills and knowledge you need in order to become a GOOD manager.
There are many skills you need to develop in order to be a good manager, but all of them fall into only six major sets. The six major sets of good management are:
Have a look at this model: 

Each of the above six sets breaks down into subsets and will provide you with a more detailed system of management. If we break up each set into three subsets we can derive this management model.
1. Setting and achieving goals
Make the goal specific
Quantify the goal numerically. Define all your terms. Never allow your goals to be worded in vague terms such as "make more sales". You need to make all statements quantifiable and specific.
Make the goal believable
Don't make your goals unbelievable to yourself. You must be able to see yourself achieving the goal. If you don't really believe you can achieve the goal, you won't work hard enough to achieve it.
Set a deadline
Put a time limit on the goal. If you don't have a deadline, then you will procrastinate. You will wait until the conditions are perfect. But you must not procrastinate. You need to move today, and create the conditions. So put a realistic deadline on your goals.
2. Clearly communicating those goals
Explain what the goal is
You need to explain the goal to all those who are involved in making it happen. Everyone needs to know what the target is.
Explain why the goal is good
You need to convince people that the goal is worthwhile and worth working for. You need to "sell" the concept of the goal.
Communicate the plan
You need to communicate the method by which you will achieve the goal. The plan must be detailed, practical and realistic. (See below).
3. Formulating practical plans
Break the overall task into smaller subset tasks
All big tasks are made up of a series of smaller tasks. The manager needs to be able to analyse tasks into smaller sets.
Put the tasks into logical order
Once the tasks are analysed the manager needs to figure out the best logical order. What is the proper sequence?
Allocate the right people to each task
When the sequence is arranged, the manager allocates resources accordingly. So the manager must be able to properly delegate.
4. Handling people whose actions do not help
Don't let things go on too long
If something is wrong, fix it quickly. Don't let poor performance issues go unchallenged for long.
Keep the conversation logical not emotional
When you challenge the poor performer, do it in a relaxed, professional and assertive manner. Do NOT emotionalise the issue. Keep the conversation rational, not emotional.
Distinguish between reasons and excuses
Ask the person to make the changes from the poor action to the correct action and listen to their response. Decide if their response is reasonable or not. If their response is reasonable then give concessions. If the response is not reasonable, then don't give concessions.
5. Acting as a positive role model to the others
Keep yourself in balance
Managers have to contend with a lot of pressure, and it is easy for them to get out of balance. They can become jaded, tired, and sometimes pessimistic. But remember that, under all conditions you must maintain your emotional balance. Eat well. Sleep well. Keep your mind straight.
Work on your own performance
Your own performance sets the standard for the rest of the team. So if you want to get the best from the team, you need to hold yourself together. Improve your language. Improve your goal focus. Improve your planning. Improve your own actions. Work on yourself harder than you do on the others.
Keep your mental approach positive
Above all keep your mind positive. Don't dwell too long on fear thoughts. Don't dwell too long on thoughts of anger. Think about today and how you can improve upon today's standards.
6. Inspiring others in the team to act as a coordinated and cooperative union
Talk to people about the goal
To keep the people on track, keep talking to them about the elements of this model. Keep talking to others about the goal, and the reasons for it.
Talk to people about the plans
To keep the people on track, keep talking to them about the plan; who will do what with whom, by when, and how?
Talk about the future as if it were certain and positive
Talk as if the future were already set, and as if you know it to be a positive. Instil a sense of certainty that the future will be bright. 

take a look at the full model:

